Mentoring Success Stories
Meet the Apprentices
Kara Vitek, LCSW, C-DBT, CIMHP

I spent a week as a mentee with Pam in October while diving deeper into Neurofeedback and working toward my BCN certification. I am in the process of launching my own private practice in Colorado. I had a wonderful experience that will enhance and change my practice going forward. Flying across the country was well worthwhile. Pam and I spent almost every waking moment together during the week. Before the workday started Pam prepped me on cases and then I got hands-on training with numerous different clients that I would not have been exposed to in my own practice. During lunch Pam took time to answer any questions I had. After clients ended for the day, we sat down at the dinner table and worked through a copious number of case studies together. I expanded my understanding of brain maps in depth and could compare case files that had multiple brain maps overtime. I was able to learn in-depth by reviewing protocols and the change in the clients brain map over time. Pam talked to me about all the details of her practice from scheduling, staying on time, to finances, billing and how to run a successful business. After spending a week with Pam she is more than a mentor and I know I can call on her at any time for help with my business or neurofeedback questions. If you are considering mentoring with Pam, take the leap. You won’t regret it.
Gonzalo Vargas

Gracias al conocimiento compartido en un taller a cargo de Pamela Ellen Blodgett el 2017 en Cusco-Perú pude fijar que mi siguiente objetivo sería aprender acerca del Neurofeedback de la mano de ella, es así como el 25 de diciembre del año 2019 viaje a los estados unidos y llegue al Brain Training of New England en el estado de Maine, Estados Unidos. Para así empezar este camino de crecimiento exponencial para mis habilidades profesionales como también humanas dentro de un proceso de profesionalización constante que recibí con enseñanzas diarias. Desde el principio la orientación de Pamela Ellen Blodgett quien se convirtió en mi Mentor ha sido nutritiva y con una pedagogía excepcional y adaptada a mi estilo de aprendizaje, ha sabido enseñarme día a día los fundamentos del Neurofeedback como también la mejor forma de ponerlos en práctica. Lo admito no ha sido fácil, se presentaron muchas dificultades como por ejemplo mis limitaciones en el idioma ya que mi idioma natal es el español, sin embargo, Pamela Ellen Blodgett supo darme las herramientas para poder salir adelante convirtiendo cada dificultad en una oportunidad para nuestro progresar. Siento que Pamela Ellen Blodgett me acompaña Hasta el día de hoy en este mi proceso de aprendizaje y de crecimiento personal desde su vocación paciente e incansable como mi mentor y desde su objetividad científica y pedagógica como profesional. No hay forma alguna que pueda medir lo agradecido que estoy por todo lo que me ha enseñado Pamela Ellen Blodgett solamente me queda decir que estaré eternamente agradecido y nunca olvidare todo lo vivido.
Thanks to the knowledge shared in a workshop by Pamela Ellen Blodgett in 2017 in Cusco-Peru I could set my next goal would be to learn about Neurofeedback by her hand, so on December 25, 2019 I traveled to the United States and arrived at the Brain Training of New England in the state of Maine, United States. In order to begin this path of exponential growth for my professional skills as well as human within a process of constant professionalization that I received with daily teachings. From the beginning the guidance of Pamela Ellen Blodgett who became my Mentor has been nurturing and with an exceptional pedagogy and adapted to my learning style, she has been able to teach me day by day the basics of Neurofeedback as well as the best way to put them into practice. I admit it has not been easy, there were many difficulties such as my language limitations since my native language is Spanish, however, Pamela Ellen Blodgett knew how to give me the tools to get ahead turning each difficulty into an opportunity for our progress. I feel that Pamela Ellen Blodgett accompanies me to this day in this process of learning and personal growth from her patient and tireless vocation as my mentor and from her scientific and pedagogical objectivity as a professional. There is no way I can measure how grateful I am for all that Pamela has taught me. I can only say that I will be eternally grateful and I will never forget everything I have experienced.